We absolutely love servicing our Canton residents! Contact us today to see what Grime Fighters Pressure Washing can do for your property.
Protect one of your biggest investments – your roof – by keeping it free from dirt, grime, and algae buildup. Our professional pressure washing techniques will have your roof looking as good as new.
Maintain the curb appeal and value of your home with regular house pressure washing. We use gentle yet effective methods to remove dirt, mold, mildew, and other stains from all types of siding materials.
Don’t let a dirty driveway ruin the appearance of your home. Our powerful washing equipment and cleaners can remove oil stains, tire marks, and built-up grime to make your driveway look like new again.
Revive your deck's natural beauty with our deck washing service. We can safely remove built-up dirt and debris without damaging the wood or leaving behind any harmful chemicals.
Whether you have a wooden, vinyl, or metal fence, our gentle washing techniques can help bring it back to life. We will remove dirt and stains to make your fence look fresh and clean.
Clogged gutters can cause serious damage to your home's foundation and roof. Let us take care of the dirty work for you with our professional gutter cleaning service.
We take pride in servicing Canton and the surrounding areas. We understand that community is important. We are a local company with local values. We appreciate each and every one of our customers.
We service the surrounding areas of North Canton, Jackson, Green, Akron, Canton
Operating Hours:
M-F 8AM-8PM, Sat/Sun 8AM-8PM
Service Areas:
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